The Laundry Files Wiki

The Laundry is based mainly in Dansey House, an old office block in London. It was formerly home to MI5 before they moved out to The Dustbin.[1] 

In The Atrocity Archives, Bob accesses the building for the first time via a secret door in the gents toilets of Mornington Crescent underground station[2], indicating Dansey House is in Camden. However, later Bob mentions in passing that it is located in Hackney[3]. It's possible the exact location of the building is being masked from the reader. 


Dansey House is considerably old, and one of its most unique features is a pneumatic messaging system[4]. It is described later by Bob as being "a Victorian rookery of cabbage-coloured plasterboard walls and wheezing steam pipes".


  1. p91, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011
  2. p9, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011
  3. p76, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011
  4. p17, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011